SKU: 5600Size: 5"L x 3 1/2"W x 1/8"H
Construction: Plastic slotted base; self-adhesive back; paper cover
Capacity: Ten slots. 100' of sample at 10' intervals per Petrolog.
Booklet is 3 x 5". Has 10 slots for samples. Size: 3-3/8 x 5 x 1/8". Construction: Plastic slotted base; self-adhesive back; paper cover. Capacity: Ten slots. 100' of sample at 10' intervals per Petrolog. The newest innovation in supplemental sample storage and examination -- a perfect addition to your cuttings library. The self-adhesive backing allows clean, dry samples to adhere permanently, one chip thick. After filling a section and tamping down with a pencil end or finger, simply turn the Petrolog over and tap sharply over a waste basket to get rid of all potential contamination. Once all compartments are filled one chip deep, inter-compartment contamination is eliminated. Opposite the sample on the inside cover are rulings for depth and sample descriptions. Specific samples of porosity or the fossil being described can be isolated in a separate compartment. Both Petrologs and Metrologs fit nicely in a standard mailing envelope. Now the zones of interest can be in the head office when the logs arrive. Depth corrections, subtle correlations and pay zone evaluations are all easily compared with the detailed logs. An excellent answer to zones of interest, tested intervals, or for a formation-top library. Invaluable in faulted or overturned sediments where changes are subtle. An ideal method of comparing color changes for microscopic examination.