Poly Geo-Chem Jar, 1 Liter
SKU: 7200High-density polyethylene jars with screw-on lids
High-density polyethylene jars with screw-on lids. Measuring scale in 10ml increments. Size: 7-1/4 x 4-1/8"; Weight: 5.5oz.; Color: Translucent white. Material: injection molded, high-density linear polyethylene. No additives or dyes to leech or contaminate samples. Shape: Conical - to allow for nesting when stored. Use: Drill stem test fluids, geochem samples, drilling fluids, water samples, oils, distillates or dry samples. Measuring scale at 10ml increments. Liquid and gas tight, externally and internally. Excellent for solids, wastes and sludges where contamination, within or without, is problematic. Will not crack, split or break.